(BN26 6RX - postcode for the centre of Arlington)

Friday, 22 February 2013

The 2013 Festival runs from 15th to 23rd June and covers Arlington,
Wilmington, Berwick, Alciston, Selmeston and surrounding areas.

You may wish host or organise your own Arts event as part of the
Festival  - event entries in the Festival Programme are £15.  If you
would like to use Arlington Village Hall or the marquee, please ask me
about available time slots.
Venues and artists are invited to make submissions to take part in an
Art and Gardens Trail.
We are also selling Advertising space in the Festival Programme for
£15 for a business card sized advert.

Events included in the main programme so far are all in Arlington and
include: a Cajun Night in the marquee on Saturday 15th featuring live
music and dancing; an Outdoor Painting workshop on the evening of
Tuesday 18th; school ‘Mime and Movement’ and Art workshops during the
day on Friday 21st;  Art Show on Friday 21st followed by a Private
Viewing that evening;  Arts and Crafts show on Saturday 22nd and
Sunday 23rd June which, in addition to Art in the Village Hall and
Crafts in the marquee, will feature an Open Mic stage, stalls for
self-published and other authors and sideshows.