(BN26 6RX - postcode for the centre of Arlington)

Monday, 1 August 2011

2011 Festival report

Arlington Arts Festival
8-10th July 2011
Wilmington, Alciston, Selmeston, Berwick and Arlington.
The 9th and 10th July was a very busy weekend in the area with lots of different Arts events happening. The vast majority of the feedback I’ve received has been very positive with Wilmington, Arlington and Berwick Churches and Wilmington Art Group reporting very successful events regarding attendance and funds raised.  A recurring comment at our Arlington Show was about the lack of visitors but, totting up the door money paid over the weekend we had about 300 visitors to the Arlington Art & Craft Show over the weekend so it was busier than it seemed! If we add the St Pancras Church concert visitors and the evening viewing and Cajun Night, we had 500 people in Arlington Village over the 2 days, not bad at all. Last year we had 400 visitors over 3 days.
We raised £620 for the Arts Group and are donating £273 to St Pancras Church.
It was suggested that there perhaps were too many events in a short space of time so there was not time to visit all events - obviously at that time of year there are a lot of competing events in the area so I am not sure that spreading the festival over a longer period would have helped. Road signage was an issue - over 30 roadside posters were printed and put up on approach roads, many disappeared overnight in the heavy winds, some were removed. It takes a lot of time to put up the posters and they are not cheap, especially the posts. I did try to get all events involved to buy posters to display outside their venues but only one venue did so. I would welcome offers of help with this aspect for any future events.

Our French visitors enjoyed themselves immensely, many thanks to those who welcomed them into their homes for their 2 night stay. The string quartet, Chrisopale played beautifully at the Classical Concert in St Pancras (which raised £201), plus one artist, Benoit Beuvain displayed his work in the church and one craftsperson, Christelle Pouilly displayed her work in the village hall. Both sold work. Michelle Vienne, the president of Les Amis du Patrimoine Ponchois is very keen to keep our Arts Exchange going and will be inviting Arlington representatives and artistes to join them at their festival next spring.  I have a lot of literature about Ponches Estruval if anyone is keen to read up about the area, plus I was given a copy of the concert that Anne and I visited at last year’s Ponches Arts Festival and a CD of music by Chrisopale. There is a video online of the St Pancras Concert on www. arlingtonartsfestival.blogspot.com.

There are so many ‘thank you’s to say that I can not possibly fit them all in, but here are a few. Revd Peter Blee, Michael Bloom, Lawrie & Christine Skinner, Roz Nathan, Peter & Jackie Appleton and Chris, all of the marquee helpers, Berwick Church for the loan of the marquee; Rare Displays for the loan of a van and 7 seater vehicle, Tim Church and family, Jim and Bob Tipler, Phillippa and Michael Vine, the lighting and sound crew and all of the Cajun musicians, Camilla Pennant, Jenny & David West, Carole & Peter Vine, Jill Church, Sarah Walton, Carolyn & John McCutchan, Eileen & David Vine, Henry McCutchan, Valerie and Rosie Holmes,  Anne Howard & Rob Graham, all of the Arts Group, artists and craftspeople & all of the neighbours!

There are no plans to repeat the Festival next year, but we may be considering it again in 2013,  possibly applying for arts funding.  If anyone is interested in joining an Arts Festival Committee to help with funding applications and event planning, please do let us know.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Where was the local press??

Sady the local press either did not see any point in publicising a rural event or are not interested in the arts as we had just 2 mentions in the Sussex Express in April and May - the events were in July. They were sent many press releases with the option to report on the event from many different angles and told of all of the photo opportunities: The french link with Ponches Estruval (an arts exchange being formed between Arlington and Ponches estruval in Picardy following a 'twinning' of parishes through interreg funding a few years back); the number of visitors brought into the area (The arlington events alone attracted over 500 people over the weekend) and visitng other local attractions and businesses; the participation of Cuckmere community Bus; the forging of a wider community with the coming together of the five parishes and the United Benefice; the musical vicar, Peter Blee who performed flute at 2 classical concerts; the raising of funds for a the sussex children's hospice, Chestnut Tree House; the number of artists and craftspeople taking part; the links with local businesses and sponsors; the use of rural venues including underused parish churches; prize winners in the Paint me a Spring woodland Competition; plus the sheer number and diversity of events including art shows, art talks, musical performances, crafts on show and being demonstrated, cajun musical event (with the most magnificent food I must add!), local author book signings; artists opening up their homes and studios to the public; and more.

I am at a loss as to how else we can get the local press interested (of course I will send a post-event press release and any photos I receive so we will see if a journalist picks it up to write a story or even if they simply publish what they are sent...) but despite their lack of advanced support the whole event seems to have been a fantastic success. Certainly the 10 french visitors we had thought so and are already planning their reciprocal invitations to the Ponches Arts Festival in 2012.

I am awaiting feedback from the other events so will report later with photos and videos of the event as a whole, but in the meantime my HUGE thanks go out to everyone who took part, helped and supported us - without you the Arlington Arts Festival just could not have happened.

There are no plans for a 2nd full Arlington Arts Festival in 2012 but maybe in 2013...?


Where did we get mentioned?

What's on listings in local papers where they saw fit.
Many Roadside posters (some blown down and some removed from opposite Michelham though)
5000 full colour a3 brochures in local venues, art trails, libraries, hotels, pubs, tourist informationa dn council offices. All events participating had brochures to distribute.
Local Parish Magazines - mentions for 3 months preceding the events in all parish magazines plus brochures distributed with all July magazines in 5 parishes.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

New addition to Festival events

BOOK SIGNINGS in the Marquee
Sun 10th July, 2 - 4pm
We are delighted to have a third local author joining us on Sunday afternoon to sign copies of his book. 
Robin Burnett WATER UNDER THE KEEL: Memories of the sea.
In this engaging memoir, Burnett evokes both the drama and drudgery of life at sea - the exotic ports and the terrifying storms, but also the long wakeful hours at the wheel. What shines out above all, though, is his passion for the sea .

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Full Programme confirmed


Saturday, 7 May 2011

Cajun Festival Night

Saturday 9th July. 8-11pm. Doors open at 7pm for cajun dance tuition, 7.30pm for Cajun Food.

Live music with the Cajun Dawgs (http://www.cajunrockers.com/home.html) and friends.
Tickets £6 (£1 for under 16s)
Food £4 (from 7.30 til 8.30 subject to availability), £2 for under 12's portions.

Louisiana Cajun and Zydeco, rockin' Swamp Blues, Country and early Rock n Roll music. A sound track for dancing, loving and crying. tuition on hand from local expert Cajun Dancers, Cajun style food available, bar.

Arlington Village Hall, marquee in the adjacent field.

Tickets from 01323 840 048 / 07980 892 072 or via the Cajun Dawgs website.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Author Signings at the Festival

We have just confirmed that 2 local authors will be doing book signings at the festival, 2-4pm on Sunday 10th July in the marquee at Arlington Village Hall.

Sue Edwards
Memoirs of a WAAF
Life of an 18 year-old in the WAAF in the 1940s, based on original dairies, notes and photos.
RRP £10.99
The true account of 18 year old Daphne Dangerfield who joined the WAAF in September 1942, having only started full-time work a few months before. She was feeling bored and wanted to do something useful to help the war effort, so she joined up. The war was in full swing by then and plenty of other 'service women' were wandering about...

Jill Rutherford
Jill Rutherford’s memoir covers seven years in Japan and is one woman’s story of how a middle-aged, rather gentrified British woman, with no influential friends in Japan, very little money, no job and no qualifications to get a job there, could realise her dream of living and working in Japan and survive and prosper in one of the world’s most ancient cultures, where real life is hidden under a veil of good manners and everything takes on a different meaning.
£1 of every book sold through this website will be donated to the earthquake appeal in Japan.
 You can also read the first 30 pages of the book via,

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Authors invited

Would any East Sussex published authors like to do a book signing as part of the festival in July?
If you are interested, please get in touch (ASAP so we can include it in the programme which is going to print by 21st April) and we will arrange a suitable date and time for all.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Deadline approaching for inclusion in festival

All information and ads for inclusion in the Arlington Arts Festival programme must be received by 15th April.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Invitation to local businesses

8-10th July 2011 first Arlington Arts Festival -
would YOU like to be involved??
Events include 4 art shows ( 2 in Wilmington, 1 in Alciston and 1 in Arlington ), guided tours of Arlington and Berwick Churches, classical concerts in Wilmington, Berwick and Arlington churches, Festival Cajun evening in Arlington, a Craft show in Arlington and an Art Trail covering Arlington, Berwick, Alciston, Selmeston, Wilmington and surrounding rural areas.
We have 14 guests coming from france including musicians, artists, craft makers and representatives of the Amis du Patrimoine Ponchois ( on an exchange visit following representatives from Arlington and Berwick attending their arts festival in May 2010 ).

How can you get involved?
We have artists looking for venues who may wish to display their work as part of the Art Trail. You may have an event planned which you would like to include as an Event listing in the Festival Programme. We are selling advertising space in the programme for local businesses, artists and organisations.

5000 full colour programmes will be printed and distributed in the run up to the Arts Festival. Other publicity will involve press releases to local papers and Art/s publications, posters at local venues and events, Facebook, Twitter and Blogspot entries, online advertising and mentions in Friday-Ad. Other local events that weekend include Uckfield Arts Festival and Michelham Priory Game & Country Fair. 

Inclusion in the Festival Programme is £15 for an event listing or for
a business card size advert.
CLOSING  DATE for applications: 15th APRIL.
Please send completed forms with your cheque payable to Arlington Arts Group to
 Josie Tipler, c/o Magpie Cottage, Hayreed Lane, Wilmington, Polegate, BN26 6RR.

Event Inclusion in the Arts Festival  £15
Name of Event:
Opening Hours:
Description: (25 words)

Name and contact details of organiser: (to go in programme)
Other contact details if applicable [not to go in the programme]
Entrance: (£ or if by donation who is this for)
Photo - please email a hi-res jpeg with your event name as the subject
Refreshments / Toilets/ Parking/ Disabled Access

To reserve advertising space in the Arlington Arts Festival Programme  £15
Contact Details
What are you advertising?

We will contact you to ask for your advert – the space is approximately the size of a business card – exact size TBC

Art Trail
 Please get in touch if would like to host the work of an artist / some artists for the Arts Festival. We will put you in touch with artists so you can deal with them directly. You will need to decide between you who will be responsible for making any sales, if there is a commission to be taken on sales, and who will be sending the Event

Friday, 25 February 2011

Events Update - plans so far

8th -10th July 2011

Talk on the Bloomsbury Murals in Berwick Church (Fri)
Wilmington Art Group's Art Show in Wilmington Village Hall (Fri, Sat, Sun)
Art Show in Wilmington Church (Fri, Sat, Sun)
Art Trail featuring Sarah Walton, Pottery (Fri, Sat, Sun)
Classical concert in St Pancras church with Chrisopale string quartet from Boulogne. (Sat)
Festival 'Cajun Night' in the marquee- music by The Cajun Dawgs, dance workshops, cajun food (Sat)
Guided tours of St Pancras Church, Lute and Guitar music , Art show by French artists. (Sat, Sun)
Art & Craft Show at Arlington Village Hall and field with incidental music, art demonstrations and Children's Art Show in the marquee, refreshments & light lunches. (Sat, Sun)
Art show in Alciston church (Sat, Sun)
Morning church service at St Pancras (Sun)
Renaissance singers at Berwick Church (Sun)
(All events TBC)

Events / Art Trail Application

Event dates 8-10th July 2011

If you would like to take part in the Arlington Arts Festival please complete the following application form. 

(NB: If you would like to exhibit at the Arlington Art & Craft Show, please go to http://arlingtonartandcraftshow.blogspot.com/ )

Dear Artist

Arlington Arts Festival runs from 8th – 10th July and includes various Arts Events and an Art Trail which covers Arlington, Berwick, Selmeston, Alciston and Wilmington.

We will be producing 5000 x A3 colour programmes (including a map) to promote the event,  as well as displaying posters at other local events and venues in the run up to the festival. We send out press releases to the local press, TV and radio, local free publications with What’s On sections. We also advertise in the local Friday Ad and promote online via social networking sites, online event directories and websites. It does, however, always pay to advertise your own event – there are plenty of other events happening over the Festival weekend so it would be a good idea to swap posters and / or leaflets with others to promote eachother’s events. (I run printing.com @ Accomplice in Hailsham so can arrange printing – let me know if you are interested.)

The Festival Programmes will go to print as soon as possible after 15th April (once the artwork has been put together) and should be ready to distribute from the middle of May. If you would like to have your event / venue open on additional days in the week before or after the festival, you are welcome to include those dates  in your entry. 

Please let me know if you would like me to email you a copy of the festival logo to go on your promotional material or website. I can also produce laminated A3 generic Festival posters for you to display outside your venue for £3 each. Let me know if you would like one.

Please send all information by 15th April to the email below and send a cheque for £15 payable to Arlington Arts Group to Magpie cottage, Hayreed Lane, Wilmington, polegate, BN26 6RR

Name of Event:

Part of Art Tail?

Address (inc postcode)


Opening Hours:  

Description: (25 words)

Name and contact details of organiser: (to go in programme)

Other contact details if applicable [not to go in the programme]

Entrance: (£ or if by donation who is this for)

Refreshments / Toilets/ Parking/ Disabled Access

Photo - please email a hi-res jpeg with your event name as the subject to info@arlingtonartsgroup.co.uk

Monday, 7 February 2011

Dates set for Arlington Arts Festival

8-10th July 2011.

The Festival will start on Friday 8th July with Art Exhibitions in Wilmington and guided tours of the Bloomsbury Group paintings in Berwick Church.
On 9th and 10th July there will be the Annual Arlington Art & Craft Show at Arlington Village Hall, art events in Wilmington and Alciston Churches, guided tours of St Pancras Church.  There will be a classical concert in St Pancras on the Saturday afternoon and an evening of Cajun music, dance and food in Arlington.
On 10th July the Art exhibitions will continue and there will be a service in St Pancras, Arlington
More events to be confirmed.